Did you know that there’s a special invitation with your name on it? God is looking for people who will answer His call and become a part of a generation that will seek to know Him and make Him known throughout the world today!

Are you one who desires to love and worship the Lord…that will walk in holiness and live encompassed by His truth? We have a promise in Matthew 5:6, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” (NASB)

Something powerful happens when we choose to no longer live just unto ourselves, but live surrendered to Jesus…the One that gave Himself for us!

Awesome things happen when we spend time in the secret place…not just to call out our prayer request list but to really pursue personal intimacy with God. We go into the secret place not to get stuff but to become like Him. It’s not about just being religious…it’s about having a close relationship with Him! Our priority has to be to know the Lord intimately, not just to know about Him.  

Religion can’t produce holiness. Relationship produces holiness…and our LIFE is the display of our intimate walk with Jesus!

Of course, it’s okay to bring desires before Him, and we are told to make our requests known…but if we don’t seek first the kingdom and His righteousness, then we will miss the target. The priority is to know who we are in Christ and who Christ is in us. It’s in seeking Jesus when no one is looking. Matthew 6:33 gives us the right perspective, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”  

When we truly know God and walk the way He calls us to walk, talk the way that He calls us to talk, and love the way that He calls us to love, we’ll see more people come to repentance because of our life that IMITATES CHRIST!

Jesus is inviting you to spend time with Him…to get to know Him because He loves you so much and wants to do more in your life than you could ever imagine! It’s who He is and that’s amazing!

Love you guys!