Lifestyle Christianity Training Center Water Well

Lifestyle Christianity Training Center Water Well

By installing the ministry’s own privately-owned water well, the appearance of our property will be greatly improved because the lawn will receive adequate hydration. The investment into a private well will significantly reduce water costs compared to purchasing 100% of our water from municipal water supplies and will pay for itself completely over the course of three years. Moreover, this water well will create higher value for our property due to the availability of a self-sustaining water source.

“I want to say a word about Todd White. Todd is a man that is truly anointed by the Holy Spirit and what moves me so much is he lives what he says and he does what he recommends to others. Todd is a living example of Jesus on earth. God has opened his eyes and shown him that the Holy Spirit wants to flow through every believer everywhere they go — at work, school, grocery stores, malls, gas stations, everywhere. His vision is to reproduce in people the simplicity of this reality — living a 24/7 Kingdom lifestyle!”