Our history

Lifestyle Christianity began in 2014 as the evangelistic ministry of Todd White. Todd — the Founder and President of Lifestyle Christianity — became a Christian in 2004 when he had a powerful salvation experience. Todd was a drug addict and atheist for 22 years. He was at the point of suicide when God came into his life and set him free.

As a new believer, Todd began sharing the simplicity of the Gospel of the Kingdom and what Jesus Christ accomplished at the cross. It was common for Todd to see dozens of people healed as he shared Christ’s love for them throughout his normal everyday life. Since that time, Todd has been passionately pursuing his call to see people fully walking in their identity in both the purity and power available in Christ. When Todd White began to receive invitations to speak, his pastor, Dan Mohler, invited Todd to utilize his non-profit called Neck Ministries as a method to operate within a fiscally secure ministry.

As the ministry continued to expand, Pastor Dan and Todd both agreed that the Lord was leading Todd to launch his own ministry — Lifestyle Christianity — in 2014. The ministry grew and Todd’s heart became more focused on activating the church in a daily walk of love and power. As a result, in January 2016, Power and Love Ministries — a ministry founded and directed by Tom Ruotolo joined with Lifestyle Christianity. These two ministries — now operating as one — were positioned to increase the size and scope of this unique evangelistic training. Power & Love is a three-day training intensives for people to receive hands-on experience in sharing the love of Christ.

In January 2016, Lifestyle Christianity relocated its headquarters from Abbottstown, Pennsylvania to the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Today, Todd White, along with the Lifestyle Christianity Team, travel around the world with a burning passion for people to walk in their God-given identity. To date, Lifestyle Christianity has seen thousands equipped with tools to reach the lost. Through Power & Love, online and digital media, and Todd’s preaching schedule, the ministry is mobilizing people all over the world to share the love of Jesus Christ.

Lifestyle Christianity desires to see people walk in their God-given identity.

Gripped by the simplicity of the Gospel and what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross, our heart is to see people brave the waves of fear and share the love of Jesus everywhere that they go.