Your partnership enables us to bring the love of Jesus Christ to a generation that’s desperate for truth, hope, and the Savior they were created to live in union with. By partnering with Lifestyle Christianity, you’re investing in today’s generation encountering the love of Jesus and becoming His love to all the world!

Your support helps us finance creative ways to spread the message of Jesus Christ to places that have never experienced a 24/7 kingdom lifestyle. Every single donation to Lifestyle Christianity leads to an encounter with Jesus Christ. It only takes one moment for a life to be impacted forever. Each time you give, you’re creating an opportunity for someone to encounter the love of God and be transformed forever! 

Because of the generosity of you and so many others, Lifestyle Christianity is impacting lives across the globe. To learn more, visit our Impact page to read how your generosity is mobilizing the love of Jesus!

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Email us at [email protected] or call us at (817) 893-2900.


Join us in equipping the saints and impacting lives for eternity. Together let’s get students from the enrollment deferred waiting list and into the 2022-23 school year.


Lifestyle Christianity is a church as defined by Internal Revenue Code Sections 501(c)(3) and 170(b)(1)(a)(i) and contributions to the church are deductible to the extent provided by law. There were no goods or services provided in exchange for the above donations other than intangible religious benefits.