Our Impact

“We are ambassadors of hope to a lost and dying world.”


Power & Love

Power & Love is a 2-day equipping event hosted by Lifestyle Christianity in cities across America for believers of all ages and backgrounds. You will be equipped to BELIEVE Jesus, BEHOLD Him, and BECOME like Him – to be who Jesus created you to be and reach those around you with the Gospel. Join us as we commission sons and daughters to go and make disciples among all nations!


Based in the Dallas, Texas Metroplex, Lifestyle Christianity University is a world-shaking training program designed to equip a generation in their God-given identity as they extend the love of Jesus in their day-to-day lives!

Students experience transformative teaching from Todd White and leaders in the church from across the globe and are activated daily to extend the simple Gospel outside the four walls of the church. 

There’s a Jesus movement at Lifestyle Christianity University and an uncompromising generation is rising.

LCU Online

Lifestyle Christianity University Online allows us to bring the transformative training of Todd White and Lifestyle Christianity directly to individuals no matter where they are!

With the call to expand into all nations, Lifestyle Christianity University Online first launched in Brazil in September of 2019. We’re expectant for how Jesus will multiply growth to train and equip people of all ages in all countries to be the love of Jesus to our world!

The Journey: new believers

Discipleship is not a program, it’s family. 

The Journey is a new believers group that is designed to be a net to catch people that we’re just born again or seeking the truth of Jesus and need to be discipled and plugged into the local church. 

Many people won’t come to church when invited because it’s too big of a jump for them. Therefore, at Lifestyle Christianity, we created a space where new believers can come and encounter God. People often get saved and then months later are water baptized and then years later are baptized in the Holy Spirit, if that happens at all. At the Journey, we are seeing new believers encounter the power of Jesus through salvation, deliverance, water baptism, and spirit baptism every week!


Forerunners for the Arts has the vision to become a training facility for dancers, artists, musicians, singers, actors, and filmmakers. We believe it is time for a change in the entertainment industry and it starts with us. We would like to teach you how to steward your talent and release you to express your gift while believing in transformation in the industry.

lifestyle worship

Lifestyle Worship exists to pursue the presence of Jesus and help people encounter His goodness for themselves through the expression we’re created for as children of God. 

From Power & Love Schools to student-led teams through Lifestyle Christianity University, we exist to behold Him in every season and maintain a heart posture of laid down lovers. We desire that as we become invisible, we set the stage for Him to be exalted so that all may see and worship Him.

social media

Each day, over half-a-million social media followers are reached through our content on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as we interrupt news feeds with the truth of the Gospel, share testimonies of God’s goodness, and encourage a generation to step out and be the love of Jesus to our world. Social media is a powerful and effective tool to bring this impactful message to a world that is hungry for truth and in search of a Savior!


In 2019, over 100 million minutes were watched on the Lifestyle Christianity YouTube Channel. People of every age, background, ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic status, and religion are encountering the power, love, and truth of Jesus Christ through this vessel God’s enabled us to utilize for His glory! All year long testimonies are shared of countless lives being transformed by the revelation knowledge of Jesus Christ as the way, the truth, and life. Through these videos, we are inspiring people to become the love of Jesus to everyone as they live life fully ablaze for Jesus everywhere they go!

documentary films

In partnership with GodTV and Daystar Television, Lifestyle Christianity has aired two feature-length documentary films on broadcast television to an estimated 262 million homes worldwide. 

Through short YouTube and broadcast television documentary films, we are inspiring and activating people to become the love of Jesus to everyone they encounter.


Each year, more than 2.5 million podcasts are downloaded through our audio podcast, equating to 75 million minuted spent absorbing the transformative teaching of Todd White, leading a generation into the truth of Jesus Christ!

We value offering our podcast free of charge to people across the world. We are able to do so due to the generous support of you all, which is enabling a generation to be equipped and strengthened in their personal walk with Jesus.

books, resources, apparel

Through resources including books, DVD’s, and apparel, people are being challenged by and equipped with biblical truth in a variety of life settings. These resources inspire people to live boldly for Jesus and transform workplaces, neighborhoods, and cities through living out Christianity as a LIFESTYLE!

Our apparel is specifically designed to open the door for people to talk to others about the love of Christ and to hold believers to a standard of not simply wearing the brand of Jesus but becoming the love of Jesus everywhere their feet walk.

Power & Love

Power & Love is a 2-day equipping event hosted by Lifestyle Christianity in cities across America for believers of all ages and backgrounds. You will be equipped to BELIEVE Jesus, BEHOLD Him, and BECOME like Him – to be who Jesus created you to be and reach those around you with the Gospel. Join us as we commission sons and daughters to go and make disciples among all nations!


Based in the Dallas, Texas Metroplex, Lifestyle Christianity University is a world-shaking training program designed to equip a generation in their God-given identity as they extend the love of Jesus in their day-to-day lives!

Students experience transformative teaching from Todd White and leaders in the church from across the globe and are activated daily to extend the simple Gospel outside the four walls of the church. 

There’s a Jesus movement at Lifestyle Christianity University and an uncompromising generation is rising.

LCU Online

Lifestyle Christianity University Online allows us to bring the transformative training of Todd White and Lifestyle Christianity directly to individuals no matter where they are!

With the call to expand into all nations, Lifestyle Christianity University Online first launched in Brazil in September of 2019. We’re expectant for how Jesus will multiply growth to train and equip people of all ages in all countries to be the love of Jesus to our world!

books, resources, apparel

Through resources including books, DVD’s, and apparel, people are being challenged by and equipped with biblical truth in a variety of life settings. These resources inspire people to live boldly for Jesus and transform workplaces, neighborhoods, and cities through living out Christianity as a LIFESTYLE!

Our apparel is specifically designed to open the door for people to talk to others about the love of Christ and to hold believers to a standard of not simply wearing the brand of Jesus but becoming the love of Jesus everywhere their feet walk.

The Journey: new believers

Discipleship is not a program, it’s family. 

The Journey is a new believers group that is designed to be a net to catch people that we’re just born again or seeking the truth of Jesus and need to be discipled and plugged into the local church. 

Many people won’t come to church when invited because it’s too big of a jump for them. Therefore, at Lifestyle Christianity, we created a space where new believers can come and encounter God. People often get saved and then months later are water baptized and then years later are baptized in the Holy Spirit, if that happens at all. At the Journey, we are seeing new believers encounter the power of Jesus through salvation, deliverance, water baptism, and spirit baptism every week!

Forerunners for the arts

Forerunners for the Arts has the vision to become a training facility for dancers, artists, musicians, singers, actors, and filmmakers. We believe it is time for a change in the entertainment industry and it starts with us. We would like to teach you how to steward your talent and release you to express your gift while believing in transformation in the industry.

lifestyle worship

Lifestyle Worship exists to pursue the presence of Jesus and help people encounter His goodness for themselves through the expression we’re created for as children of God. 

From Power & Love Schools to student-led teams through Lifestyle Christianity University, we exist to behold Him in every season and maintain a heart posture of laid down lovers. We desire that as we become invisible, we set the stage for Him to be exalted so that all may see and worship Him.

social media

Each day, over half-a-million social media followers are reached through our content on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as we interrupt news feeds with the truth of the Gospel, share testimonies of God’s goodness, and encourage a generation to step out and be the love of Jesus to our world. Social media is a powerful and effective tool to bring this impactful message to a world that is hungry for truth and in search of a Savior!


In 2019, over 100 million minutes were watched on the Lifestyle Christianity YouTube Channel. People of every age, background, ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic status, and religion are encountering the power, love, and truth of Jesus Christ through this vessel God’s enabled us to utilize for His glory! All year long testimonies are shared of countless lives being transformed by the revelation knowledge of Jesus Christ as the way, the truth, and life. Through these videos, we are inspiring people to become the love of Jesus to everyone as they live life fully ablaze for Jesus everywhere they go!

documentary films

In partnership with GodTV and Daystar Television, Lifestyle Christianity has aired two feature-length documentary films on broadcast television to an estimated 262 million homes worldwide. 

Through short YouTube and broadcast television documentary films, we are inspiring and activating people to become the love of Jesus to everyone they encounter.


Each year, more than 2.5 million podcasts are downloaded through our audio podcast, equating to 75 million minuted spent absorbing the transformative teaching of Todd White, leading a generation into the truth of Jesus Christ!

We value offering our podcast free of charge to people across the world. We are able to do so due to the generous support of you all, which is enabling a generation to be equipped and strengthened in their personal walk with Jesus.

Why partner

Your partnership enables us to bring the love of Jesus Christ to a generation that’s desperate for truth, hope, and the Savior they were created to live in union with. By partnering with Lifestyle Christianity, you’re investing in today’s generation encountering the love of Jesus and becoming His love to all the world!

Your support helps us finance creative ways to spread the message of Jesus Christ to places that have never experienced a 24/7 kingdom lifestyle. Every single donation to Lifestyle Christianity leads to an encounter with Jesus Christ. It only takes one moment to a life to be impacted forever. Each time you give, you’re creating an opportunity for someone to encounter the love of God and be transformed forever. 


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