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As we prepare for the year to come, we believe that God has given us a mandate to multiply and accelerate our vision of bringing heaven to earth in 2021, which is why we are launching our Multiply 2021 Campaign, and we’re inviting you to be a part of it!


Thank You

A message from
the White family.

It has been a crazy year, and we want to thank each of you so much for participating in the launch of Lifestyle Christianity Church this year! It has been so exciting to see the hunger for truth and it’s just the beginning! Lifestyle Christianity Church is touching and impacting every age and demographic through our kids church, youth, and Lifestyle Christianity Dance, which had almost 80 students upon its launch and is growing rapidly! Everything God is doing through Lifestyle Christianity Church is new and it is so exciting to see God’s hand upon it!

LC Church

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In 2020 God spoke to Todd’s heart revealing it was time to launch a church! With great prayer and preparation, Lifestyle Christianity Church launched on September 27, 2020 and exists to be a place where community becomes family.



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2020 has been such a significant year for LCU! God is undeniably marking a generation and LCU is truly a Jesus movement for an uncompromising generation! 


Power & Love

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Through Power & Love, the church is being activated to share the love of Christ everywhere they go. We began this year with a Power & Love in January at our Lifestyle Christianity training center and hosted another in February, which was located in Brazil! Both Power & Loves in 2020 gathered a large number of attendees with many stories of salvations, healings, deliverance, activation, and life-changing encounters with Jesus. 



05 —– 14

Belong is a place for new believers to come and hear the Gospel and be a part of what they were created for. Discipleship is not a program, it’s family. Belong is designed to be a net to catch people that were just born again or seeking the truth of Jesus and need to be discipled and plugged into the local church.



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Since the very first day LC Kids has been an exciting place to see God moving powerfully in the lives of our kids. We launched our children’s ministry with 145 kids on the first day of the Church launch on September 27, 2020 and have seen numbers remain steady ever since.



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Every week we are seeing the youth come to the front to worship, displaying such a growing hunger that is spreading throughout all of the young ones and the church! We’re undeniably witnessing God shift the hearts of youth and the hearts of many through the fire the youth carry! We are so blessed and can’t wait to see what God continues to do week after week and the multiplication that’s to come!


Food Pantry

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This year we have seen 879 families fed through our LC Food Pantry.



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God is bringing a community of dancers together at LC Dance to glorify and worship Him in Spirit and truth! LC dance has expanded, consisting of three main facets: studio, elective, and Ignite. Our first full-time studio launched in September of this year. Since then, the studio has grown to over 80 students ages 2-40! Our heart is to create a space for youth and adults to be trained in identity, worship, and excellence. 



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Since LC Church launched, we’ve been able to grow our team. We’ve sought to intentionally build a culture of family and unity off of the stage, which has had a huge impact on the sound that arises on the stage.



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We believe that God is a creative God and that today’s media channels are tools placed before us to further extend the Gospel to the places we could not otherwise reach and at a volume, we could not otherwise obtain. 


Dream Team

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In December of 2019 we had 48 employees. As we finish 2020, we presently have 60 employees. We are seeing growth at a healthy and steady rate and were able to bring on additional staff members specifically for Lifestyle Christianity Church, which launched September 27th of this year. We are so thankful for the team God has placed around us as we steward all He’s given us and are expectant for how He will continue to bless and grow what He is accomplishing through the faithfulness and commitment of our Lifestyle Christianity staff!



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Financially, the greatest accomplishment we’re celebrating is that thanks to our generous partners and family, Covid did not have an adverse effect on us. We have launched zero giving campaigns and have endured Covid, and by God’s grace, have maintained our donation revenue and retention. We are so thankful to God and for the generosity of our donors! God’s hand is undeniably upon all He is establishing and doing through Lifestyle Christiantiy and we are thanking and praising Him.  


Why Partner

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Your partnership enables us to bring the love of Jesus Christ to a generation that’s desperate for truth, hope, and the Savior they were created to live in union with. By partnering with Lifestyle Christianity, you’re investing in today’s generation encountering the love of Jesus and becoming His love to all the world!